Individual Mental Health Therapy
Collaborative Care
Many of us have been operating from a place of performance, pleasing, and masking for years, maybe our whole lives. Contemplating integrating all of the parts of us that have been hidden or lost can be like looking into an abyss. We are here to help create the bridge that connects all that is wounded to the way forward. We are comfortable with the mess and muddiness of that. This process can be winding and one foot at a time or right into the deep, deep. We’ll meet you where you are and walk alongside you as you learn to trust your body and inner knowing again. There is nothing more powerful than finding your voice and maybe for the first time, taking up the space you deserve in this world. You are a light and it’s an honor to bear witness to your becoming.
Dynamic support for a growing you
Deconstructing social narratives and constructs
Using neurophysiology to reduce nervous system dysregulation
Normalizing and de-pathologizing responses to past experiences
EMDR: Healing from trauma or reshaping negative beliefs about self
Enhancing creative ways to unmask as highly sensitive, driven to perform empaths
Reclaiming power and integrating parts of self that have been hidden or shamed
Supporting the exploration of sexuality, pleasure, and self identity formation
Contextualizing inner experiences specific to present environmental circumstances
Embracing the health at any size model, while recovering from harmful socialization
Aiding in self awareness building and accommodations for neurodivergent individuals
Enhancing creative ways to unmask as highly sensitive, driven to perform empaths
Recovering from burnout, while navigating the pull to return to previous roles